Table 1

Top ranking features of the monocytes CD4 T cell gene expression dataset as weighted by the latent factor LF2 which is associated with disease location

Gene symbolLatent factor (dataset)Encoded proteinIBD relevant functionReference
NR4A2LF2 (CD4 T cells)Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 2Imparts protection against IBD by silencing TRAF6/TLR-IL-1R signalling72
CSRNP1LF2 (CD4 T cells)Cysteine/serine-rich nuclear protein 1
SLK1LF2 (CD4 T cells)Serine/threonine-protein kinase SIK1Identified as a possible drug target for colitis based on small-molecule screening73
FOSBLF2 (CD4 T cells)Protein fosB
NR4A1LF2 (CD4 T cells)Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 1Susceptibility loci in a Japanese family with CD; Modulation of inflammation-associated intestinal fibrosis74 75
NR4A3LF2 (monocytes)Nuclear receptor subfamily 4 group A member 3
IL1BLF2 (monocytes)Interleukin-1 betaIncreases intestinal tight junction permeability76 77
CD69LF2 (monocytes)Early activation antigen CD69Modulates mucosal inflammation in patients with IBD78
PDE4BLF2 (monocytes)cAMP-specific 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 4BPDE4 Inhibition confers protection against UC79
OSMLF2 (monocytes)Oncostatin-MDrives intestinal inflammation and predicts response to tumour necrosis factor-neutralising therapy; Mediates STAT3-dependent intestinal epithelial restitution; Predicts Crohn’s disease response to Infliximab; Biomarker of poor biochemical response to Infliximab80–84
  • .Only the top five features are shown along with their roles in IBD pathogenesis and/or intestinal inflammation.

  • CD, Crohn’s disease; IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; UC, ulcerative colitis.