Table 1

Characteristics and delay intervals for a cohort of colorectal cancer patients <50 years

15–39 years
40–44 years
45–49 years
Age (years)45.0 (40.0, 47.0)35.0 (31.0, 38.0)42.0 (41.0, 43.0)47.0 (46.0, 49.0)<0.001
 Male3587 (52%)809 (53%)931 (51%)1847 (53%)
 Female3266 (48%)731 (47%)896 (49%)1639 (47%)
ON-Marg Summary Score3.00 (2.25, 3.50)3.00 (2.50, 3.75)2.75 (2.25, 3.50)3.00 (2.25, 3.50)0.017
Income quintile0.009
 11174 (17%)272 (18%)310 (17%)592 (17%)
 21154 (17%)290–300* (19%)290–300* (16%)568 (16%)
 31234 (18%)289 (19%)352 (19%)593 (17%)
 41298 (19%)289 (19%)353 (19%)656 (19%)
 51231 (18%)252 (16%)332 (18%)647 (19%)
Rural748 (11%)139 (9.0%)190 (10%)419 (12%)
Stage (percentages reflect diagnoses 2007 and later)<0.001
 I884 (17%)161 (13%)253 (18%)470 (18%)
 II1082 (21%)243 (20%)309 (22%)530 (20%)
 III1939 (37%)465 (39%)491 (35%)983 (37%)
 IV1321 (25%)337 (28%)338 (24%)646 (25%)
Disease site<0.001
 Proximal colon2363 (34%)603 (39%)590 (32%)1170 (34%)
 Rectum2103 (31%)461 (30%)564 (31%)1078 (31%)
 Sigmoid and rectosigmoid2387 (35%)476 (31%)673 (37%)1238 (36%)
Use of lower GI endoscopy in patient LHIN (procedures per 100 000 residents in last year)4181 (3411, 4648)4208 (3482, 4681)4179 (3401, 4639)4166 (3369, 4632)0.029
Time from presentation to first abdominal/pelvic CT or MRI (days)0.6
 Median (IQR)46 (7, 142)47 (7, 165)47 (7, 140)46 (7, 130)
 Mean (SD)92 (108)98 (114)92 (109)88 (105)
 Range0, 5000, 4860, 5000, 482
Time from presentation to first lower endoscopy (days)0.071
 Median (IQR)70 (28, 163)79 (27, 182)70 (30, 172)67 (28, 154)
 Mean (SD)111 (108)117 (112)113 (109)107 (106)
 Range0, 4930, 4860, 4560, 493
Doctor interval (presentation to first investigation; days)0.9
 Median (IQR)5 (0, 36)4 (0, 42)4 (0, 36)5 (0, 35)
 Mean (SD)36 (68)38 (70)36 (68)34 (66)
 Range0, 4620, 4560, 4090, 462
System interval (first investigation to treatment; days)0.2
 Median (IQR)77 (36, 160)78 (34, 168)80 (39, 163)74 (37, 155)
 Mean (SD)114 (107)116 (109)117 (108)112 (105)
 Range0, 7630, 6010, 6380, 763
Diagnostic interval (presentation to diagnosis; days)0.002
 Median (IQR)78 (28, 186)89 (28, 208)83 (30, 195)72 (27, 176)
 Mean (SD)121 (117)129 (121)124 (117)115 (115)
 Range0, 5190, 5030, 5190, 502
Treatment interval (diagnosis to treatment; days)<0.001
 Median (IQR)23 (7, 40)20 (4, 35)24 (8, 41)25 (8, 42)
 Mean (SD)29 (31)25 (31)29 (30)30 (32)
 Range0, 3570, 3430, 3570, 350
Overall interval (presentation to treatment; days)0.052
 Median (IQR)109 (55, 218)113 (51, 233)114 (58, 226)106 (56, 208)
 Mean (SD)148 (121)152 (125)153 (121)145 (120)
 Range0, 7630, 6310, 6380, 763
  • Presented are median (IQR) or N (%) unless otherwise specified.

  • *Ranges are given so as to suppress small cells of missing data

  • GI, gastrointestinal; LHIN, local health integration network.