Table 3

Exploratory Factor Analysis: Pattern Matrix for Three Factor Model

Symptom (Questionnaire)Factor
Straining to talk is tiring (LPR-HRQL)0.90
Being hoarse makes it hard for me to communicate my true self (LPR-HRQL)0.88
I feel embarrassed about the sound of my voice (LPR-HRQL)0.85
My voice makes others feel uncomfortable to listen to me (LPR-HRQL)0.81
I avoid talking because of the effort (LPR-HRQL)0.78
Hoarseness (CReSS)0.76
My voice problems make it difficult for me to work (LPR-HRQL)0.75
Hoarseness (RSI)0.75
I find it hard to meet new people because of what they will think (LPR-HRQL)0.68
I am afraid I might lose my voice forever (LPR-HRQL)0.65
I can’t sing as much as I would like to because of my voice (LPR-HRQL)0.60
The sound of my voice makes people think I’m angry or upset (LPR-HRQL)0.60
Troublesome cough (RSI)0.85
Coughing when upright (CReSS)0.85
Coughing after eating or lying down (RSI)0.83
Coughing when lying down (CReSS)0.78
Cough after eating (CReSS)0.71
People think I am sick because of my coughing (LPR-HRQL)0.69
I worry about having a coughing spell at a bad time (LPR-HRQL)0.67
I have to leave the room because of my coughing (LPR-HRQL)0.62
My co-workers can hear me coming because of my coughing (LPR-HRQL)0.53
Indigestion (CReSS)0.87
Heartburn, chest pain, indigestion or stomach acid coming up(RSI)0.87
Stomach acid coming up (CReSS)0.86
Heartburn (CReSS)0.86
Acid/ sour taste in mouth (CReSS)0.63
Regurgitation (CReSS)0.54
Belching (CReSS)0.53
Bloating (CReSS)0.46
Excess mucus (CReSS)0.77
Throat clearing (CReSS)0.74
Excess throat mucus or post-nasal drip (RSI)0.71
Throat clearing (RSI)0.70
Mucus dripping down back of throat (CReSS)0.67
I feel frustrated about having to clear my throat so often (LPR-HRQL)0.56
People notice how much I have to clear my throat (LPR-HRQL)0.50
Difficulty swallowing food (CReSS)0.70
I awaken from sleep gasping for breath (LPR-HRQL)0.64
Choking (CReSS)0.60
I am afraid of choking in my sleep (LPR-HRQL)0.58
Difficulty swallowing food liquids or tablets (RSI)0.57
Difficulty swallowing liquids (CReSS)0.57
Difficulty Breathing (CReSS)0.53
Breathing difficulties or choking episodes (RSI)0.46
Something caught or lump in throat (RSI)0.68
Feeling things stuck throat (CReSS)0.62
Lump in Throat (CReSS)0.62
Clearing my throat has a negative effect on friendships (LPR-HRQL)0.70
Clearing my throat has a negative effect on sex (LPR-HRQL)0.58
I avoid social events because of the need to clear my throat (LPR-HRQL)0.53
  • CReSS, Comprehensive Reflux Symptom Score; LPR-HRQL, Laryngopharyngeal Reflux – Health-Related Quality of Life; RSI, Reflux Symptom Index.