Table 1

Summary of the comparison studies of dedicated endoscopy versus non-dedicated endoscopy for Barrett’s surveillance including expert centres versusnon-expert centres

StudyStudy designDedicated serviceSitesParticipants/
sample size (n)
Study durationDysplasia detection rateSeattle protocol adherencePrague classification/
Appropriate scheduling of follow-upNotes
Ooi et al, full paper24 Prospective dedicated service data
Retrospective non-dedicated data, cohort
Endoscopists performed who had prior training in Prague classification, Seattle protocol and lesion recognitionMulticentre: one tertiary referral centre and one communityn=729Data between 2007 and 2012LGD, HGD, OAC, 18% in dedicated vs 8% in non-dedicated
Significantly higher in dedicatedSignificantly higher in dedicated listsProspective versus retrospective, (selection bias) and retrospective data predates the BSG guideline
Britton et al, full paper25 Prospective cohort dedicated versus non-dedicatedSingle endoscopist who had special interest (clinical fellow)Single centreDedicated, n=217
Non-dedicated, n=78
Prospective, January 2016–July 2017
Retrospective, November 2013–June 2016
4.3% vs 2.6% (p=0.41)72% vs 42% vs 50% (p<0.0001)100% vs 87.3% vs 82.5% (p<0.0001)100% vs 75% (p=<0.0001)Single centre, not randomised, single endoscopist in the dedicated arm
Schölvinck et al,
full paper26
Retrospective cohort of patients with known dysplasiaExpert Barrett’s centreExpert centre versus community centre outcomes of repeat OGD
n=1985 years (January 2008–December 2013)Visible lesion detection 87% in expert, 60% in community (p≤0.001)n/an/an/aKnown dysplasia from prior biopsies selection bias
Cameron et al,
full paper27
Prospective cohort comparing to referring centres outcomesTertiary referral centreSingle specialist centren=693 years (November 2008–September 2011)56% increased cancer detection (p=0.036)Seattle protocol adherence in original centre 20%n/an/aReassessing known dysplastic cases, predates many guidelines
  • n/a, not applicable.