Table 2

Histological features of patients with cirrhosis compared between those with autoimmune hepatitis and those with other liver diseases

Histological featuresAutoimmune hepatitisOther liver diseases
P value*
Pure AIH
Interface hepatitis<0.001
 None0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)2 (18.1%)
 Mild9 (18.8%)7 (18.4%)2 (20%)6 (54.6%)
 Moderate to severe39 (81.2%)31 (81.6%)8 (80%)3 (27.3%)
 Emperipolesis7 (14.6%)6 (15.8%)1 (10%)0 (0.0%)0.329
 Rosette formation7 (14.6%)5 (13.2%)2 (20%)1 (9.1%)0.634
Lymphocyte infiltration into the portal area0.007
 None0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)1 (9.1%)
 Mild29 (60.4%)23 (60.5%)6 (60%)10 (90.9%)
 Moderate to severe19 (39.6%)15 (39.5%)4 (40%)0 (0.0%)
Plasma cell infiltration into the portal area<0.001
 None2 (4.2%)1 (2.6%)1 (10%)4 (36.4%)
 Mild25 (52.1%)21 (55.3%)4 (40%)7 (63.6%)
 Moderate to severe21 (43.7%)16 (42.1%)5 (50%)0 (0.0%)
Lobular inflammation0.038
 None7 (14.6%)5 (13.2%)2 (20%)4 (36.4%)
 Few18 (37.5%)14 (36.8%)4 (40%)5 (45.5%)
 Many23 (47.9%)19 (50%)4 (40%)2 (18.2%)
 ≤5%39 (81.2%)30 (78.9%)9 (90%)5 (45.5%)
 >5%–33%7 (14.6%)6 (15.8%)1 (10%)5 (45.5%)
 >33%–66%2 (4.2%)2 (5.3%)0 (0.0%)1 (9.1%)
Hepatocyte ballooning0.341
 None23 (47.9%)16 (42.1%)7 (70%)3 (27.3%)
 Few16 (33.3%)15 (39.5%)1 (10%)4 (36.4%)
 Many9 (18.8%)7 (18.4%)2 (20%)4 (36.4%)
Glycogenated nuclei11 (22.9%)11 (28.9%)0 (0.0%)5 (45.5%)0.133
Mallory-Denk body14 (29.2%)12 (31.6%)2 (20%)8 (72.7%)0.008
Florid duct lesion3 (6.3%)0 (0.0%)3 (30%)0 (0.0%)1.000
Ductopenia7 (14.6%)1 (2.6%)6 (60%)†3 (27.3%)0.376
Granuloma in portal area5 (10.4%)0 (0.0%)5 (50%)†0 (0.0%)0.572
  • Data presented as number and percentage

  • A p<0.05 indicates statistical significance

  • *Comparison between patients with all AIH and those with other liver diseases.

  • †A p<0.05 for comparison between patients with pure AIH and those with AIH-PBC.

  • AIH, autoimmune hepatitis; AIH-PBC, autoimmune hepatitis overlap with primary biliary cholangitis.