Table 1

Quantitative plasma cytomegalovirus DNA

Days from admission19232634414653606874808693106115122129144184
CMV DNA Detect (IU/mL)<137237<13725899905962970160<137<137Undetected<137<137Undetected<137195UndetectedUndetectedUndetected
  • Quantitative plasma cytomegalovirus DNA was measured by PCR with reference range: undetected IU/mL. Patient treated with Ganciclovir from day 41 to day 81 and with Foscarnet from day 91 to day 105 and then restarted again on day 122 until day 136. CMV prophylaxis with ganciclovir was restarted on day 137 and continued until hospital discahrge. Day 0 is the day of admission 9 May 2020.

  • CMV, cytomegalovirus.