Table 1

Patient demographics and clinical characteristics (n=16)

Age, mean (±SD)68 (7)
Sex, male, no. (%)16 (100)
Race, white, no. (%)16 (100)
Baseline pathology and treatment status
NDBE subjects, no. (%)9 (56)
 Short segment (≤3 cm) BE, no. (%)2 (13)
LGD subjects, no. (%)4 (25)
 Ablative treatment-naïve subjects, no. (%)1 (6)
  Short segment BE, no. (%)1 (6)
 Treated subjects, no. (%)3 (19)
  Residual short segment BE, no. (%)3 (19)*
HGD/IMC subjects, no. (%)3 (19)
 Ablative treatment-naïve subjects, no. (%)2 (13)†
  Short segment BE, no. (%)1 (6)
 Treated subjects, no. (%)1 (6)
  Residual short segment BE, no. (%)1 (6)
Length of BE at study endoscopy, cm
 Circumferential extent, mean (±SD)3.6 (4.3)
 Maximal extent, mean (±SD)5.1 (4.5)
 Short segment (≤3 cm) subjects, no. (%)8 (50)
 Long segment (>3 cm) subjects, no. (%)8 (50)
Distance from diaphragmatic hiatus (D) to gastric folds (G), mean (±SD)2.3 (2.5)
 Subjects with sliding hiatal hernia (D-G >2 cm), no. (%)5 (31)
  Length of hiatal hernia, mean (±SD)5.6 (2.1)
  • *One treated LGD patient had no visible BE on endoscopy and was classified as short segment BE.

  • †One HGD/IMC patient had prior endoscopic mucosal resection and no ablation, thus classified as ablative treatment-naïve.

  • BE, Barrett’s oesophagus; HGD, high-grade dysplasia; IMC, intramucosal carcinoma; LGD, low-grade dysplasia; NDBE, non-dysplastic BE.