Table 8

Patients who did not undergo three intervention tests and reasons why tests were not performed

Study numberTests performedReason why tests were not performed
6NonePatient refusal
15Glucose hydrogen methane breath test and SeHCATPatient refused lactose hydrogen methane breath test
20NonePatient unwell during treatment requiring admission and nephrostomy
28Glucose hydrogen methane breath testPatient developed deep vein thrombosis despite low molecular weight heparin requiring inferior vena caval filter insertion
36Glucose hydrogen methane breath test and SeHCATBreath tests delayed by course of antibiotics then patient unwell following brachytherapy
44NonePatient had diarrhoea for 2 days only and did not want to pursue tests
49SeHCATPatient concerned about fasting for tests and also had a death in the family during treatment
  • SeHCAT, Selenium-75-homocholicacid taurine.