Table 4

Hospital anxiety and depression scores

GroupHADS A total
mean (SD)
Propensity score matched (average treatment effects) coefficient
(95% CI)
HADS A mean
NDBO versus other
P value
HADS A normal % (n)HADS A borderline % (n)HADS A positive % (n)HADS A category
NDBO versus other
P value
NDBO5.5 (4.5)69.0% (209)15.2% (46)15.8% (48)
DBO4.7 (3.6)−0.48 (−2.245 to 1.285)0.59483.7% (41)8.2% (4)8.2% (4)0.125
GORD6.6 (5.0)−0.433 (−1.53 to 0.665)0.4464.1% (84)13.7% (18)22.1% (29)0.301
Colonic polyp4.7 (3.9)0.805 (−0.123 to 1.733)0.08975.7% (112)12.8% (19)11.5% (17)0.329
Healthy2.8 (2.9)4.317 (3.589 to 5.045)<0.001*93.8% (45)2.1% (1)4.2% (2)0.001*
  • DBO, dysplastic Barrett’s oesophagus; GORD, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease; HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score; NDBO, non-dysplastic Barrett’s oesophagus.