Table 1

Clinical characteristics of ulcerative colitis patients, n=517

UC no CRC (n=505)CRC after UC diagnosis (n=8)CRC prior to UC diagnosis (n=4)Total (n=517)
Male25554264 (51%)
Age at UC diagnosis (years)37 (4 to 88)40 (25 to 62)79 (74 to 82)
Age at CRC diagnosis (years)56 (39 to 88)69 (64 to 79)
Time from UC diagnosis to CRC (years)22 (1 to 23)−6.5 (−18 to −2)
CRC locationmissing n=2
Left colon (excluding rectum)11
 Right colon4
Maximum extent of UC at any time
 Proctitis1681169 (33%)
 Left sided17413178 (34%)
 Extensive16361170 (33%)
Primary sclerosing cholangitis141015 (3%)
First-degree relative with CRC (missing n=70)371038 (7.6%)
  • CRC, colorectal cancer; UC, ulcerative colitis.