Table 3

Multivariate analysis: effect on clinical response of acid suppressants taken concurrently with CDAD-targeted antibiotics (mITT inpatients, n=701)

95% CI
VariableComparisonAdjusted ORLowerUpperp Value
 Age category10-year increase in age0.9340.8051.0830.3657
 Serum albumin<2.5 vs ≥2.5 mg/dL0.4930.3170.7670.0017
 Serum creatinine≥1.5 vs <1.5 mg/dL0.5430.3360.8760.0123
 WCC≥15×109 vs <15×109/L0.6140.3800.9940.0471
 TreatmentFidaxomicin vs vancomycin1.3730.8922.1120.1494
 PPI useYes vs no0.9780.6351.5050.9184
 Age category10-year increase in age0.9300.8021.0790.3408
 Serum albumin<2.5 vs ≥2.5 mg/dL0.4950.3180.7710.0019
 Serum creatinine≥1.5 vs <1.5 mg/dL0.5410.3350.8730.0119
 WCC≥15×109 vs <15×109/L0.6090.3760.9860.0439
 TreatmentFidaxomicin vs vancomycin1.3620.8872.0920.1577
 H2RA useYes vs no0.8300.3911.7610.6268
PPI and/or H2RA
 Age category10-year increase in age0.9350.8061.0840.3734
 Serum albumin<2.5 vs ≥2.5 mg/dL0.4970.3200.7740.0020
 Serum creatinine≥1.5 vs <1.5 mg/dL0.5470.3390.8830.0135
 WCC≥15×109 vs <15×109/L0.6050.3730.9800.0411
 TreatmentFidaxomicin vs vancomycin1.3860.9022.1310.1365
 PPI/H2RA useYes vs no0.8510.5451.3300.4786
  • Age category includes age in decade (≤40, 41–50, 51–60, 61–70, 71–80, and >80 years); hypoalbuminemia is serum albumin <2.5 g/dL; high serum creatinine level is ≥1.5 mg/dL; and leukocytosis is WCC ≥15×109/L.

  • CDAD, Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhoea; H2RA, histamine-2 receptor antagonist; mITT, modified intent to treat; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; WCC, white cell count.