Table 4

Predictors in colectomy

ColectomyNon-colectomyp Value
Age at diagnosis of severe UC (median (range)) (years)49.5 (20–64)33 (19–69)0.153
Disease duration prior to the induction therapy (median (range)) (months)50 (4–348)34 (2–157)0.590
Partial Mayo score (median (range))8.5 (8–9)9 (8–9)0.936
Endoscopic Mayo score (median (range))3 (2–3)3 (3–3)0.893
Disease extent0.160
 Left sided06
Laboratory examination (mean±SD (range)) (mg/dL)
 C reactive protein8.1±9.8 (1.2–27.1)6.8±6.5 (0.1–18.7)0.893
 Haemoglobin9.7±1.5 (7.5–11.8)10.4±1.8 (7.9–13.1)0.518
 Albumin2.7±0.6 (1.7±3.4)3.0±0.6 (1.8–4.0)0.318
Daily dosage of corticosteroid prior to TAC or IFX (median (range)) (mg/day)17.5 (0–60)7.5 (0–60)0.647
Positive rate of CMV reactivation (percentage (positive/all)) (%)83.3 (5/6)34.8 (8/23)0.033
Copy number of CMV-DNA in patients with CMV reactivation (median (range)) (copies/μg)975 (320–1400)1300 (390–12 000)0.445
  • Numbers of patients are shown unless specified.

  • CMV, cytomegalovirus; IFX, infliximab; TAC, tacrolimus; UC, ulcerative colitis.