Table 4

Multivariate analysis: effect on recurrence of acid suppressants taken at any time during phase 3 studies (mITT inpatients, n=701)

95% CI
VariableComparisonAdjusted ORLowerUpperp Value
 Age category10-year increase in age1.1370.9711.3320.1098
 Serum albumin<2.5 vs ≥2.5 g/dL0.9920.6041.6290.9738
 Serum creatinine≥1.5 vs <1.5 mg/dL1.6570.9482.8960.0761
 WCC≥15×109 vs <15×109/L0.9980.5601.7780.9951
 TreatmentFidaxomicin vs vancomycin0.4880.3060.7780.0026
 PPI useYes vs no1.5390.9532.4840.0781
 Age category10-year increase in age1.1380.9731.3320.1064
 Serum albumin<2.5 vs ≥2.5 g/dL1.0210.6211.6770.9351
 Serum creatinine≥1.5 vs <1.5 mg/dL1.7761.0183.1010.0432
 WCC≥15×109 vs <15×109/L0.9540.5361.6970.8719
 TreatmentFidaxomicin vs vancomycin0.5060.3180.8040.0039
 H2RA useYes vs no0.4930.2021.2020.1199
PPI and/or H2RA
 Age category10-year increase in age1.1410.9751.3350.1007
 Serum albumin<2.5 vs ≥2.5 g/dL0.9950.6061.6360.9856
 Serum creatinine≥1.5 vs <1.5 mg/dL1.6880.9672.9480.0654
 WCC≥15×109 vs <15×109/L1.0040.5631.7910.9879
 TreatmentFidaxomicin vs vancomycin0.4980.3130.7930.0033
 PPI/H2RA useYes vs no1.3530.8282.2120.2275
  • H2RA, histamine-2 receptor antagonist; mITT, modified intent to treat; PPI, proton pump inhibitor; WCC, white cell count.